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Written by Curt Bloom | Mar 16, 2022 6:55:38 PM

Achieve Ideal Incentive and Rewards Customization with tooodooo’s ‘Cube’ Capabilities

Customization is one of the most important components of a successful incentive or rewards program. Whether your organization is building a campaign for employees, customers, or partners, being able to shape that campaign to your specific needs and goals ensures that the results you achieve are exactly those which you are looking for.

The team behind tooodooo is well-aware of this, and it has been one of the guiding principles for the design and deployment of their platform, which offers multiple levels of customization at every step of an incentive program. But while, in the past, we have spoken about the basic options tooodooo provides for building campaigns, there are even deeper, sharper features, all thanks to what platform founders call ‘The Cube.’

The Basics of Building a Better Campaign

Let’s start at the ground level, with tooodooo’s basic metrics and tailoring features.

No matter which of tooodooo’s three available campaign types–Performance Challenge, Loyalty, or Referrals–you are employing, the platform works all the same. It’s just up to you how you want to leverage your specifications.

Say you’re looking to drive revenue and incentivize your employees. First, in the basic tooodooo interface, you’ll select Performance Challenge, and decide whether you want the campaign to be open or closed. For a Performance Challenge, businesses will normally select a closed campaign, where only users who receive a specific invitation can participate; open campaigns are better suited for customer loyalty and outside referrals, where volume of participants is one of your major goals.

Next you can select your campaign duration–from one day to two years–and your allotted budget. These features help monitor the resources you expend for a given program. For instance, if you hit your maximum budget before the duration ends, the campaign will stop, ensuring that you don’t overspend.

Beyond this, you can also decide how general or specific you want your campaign to be. If you are looking to drive the sale of a specific item or category rather than overall revenue, you can ensure that the incentive program you’ve created only applies to that given item. On top of this, the platform will save all the products or categories that you denote, so you don’t need to keep building adjacent programs from scratch.

Similarly, when your participants submit proof to accrue points or claim their rewards, you can specify exactly what information you require from them, which helps you monitor larger trends and tendencies across your business, outside of just the basics of your campaign goals. With larger campaigns you can automate the validation of these results, so that loyalty campaigns do not demand you expend your team to certify every single result. In this case, participants will receive their points immediately. With smaller campaigns or with campaigns that involve outside participants who you want to make sure are playing fair, you can also validate manually.

These features already put you in a prime position to learn more from your campaigns than ever before, but it doesn’t stop there.

The Cube Takes Your Campaigns to the Next Level

This is where we enter the Cube, the ultimate customization tool for incentive campaigns.

Imagine you are the manager of a hotel that offers car rentals for guests, but this service just isn’t performing. You can set up a campaign to incentivize your employees to push car rentals for your customers, and build even further on everything we’ve just discussed:

  • Sales Volume vs. Revenue: You can customize your program to target either of these factors, depending on your ultimate goal. In this case, you might be more interested in upping the volume of cars you rent to promote the service among guests, rather than the sheer revenue accrued from the rentals.
  • Reward Structures: The Cube also allows you to dictate how your participants receive rewards, and how much they can earn. Say that your campaign promises a ten-dollar bonus for each car rented; to incentivize your employees you can also make it so that they cannot cash out until they have rented three cars, which will encourage them to keep pushing. You can also put caps on rewards, such as after you have rented twenty cars, you cannot receive any more reward money, helping curtail your budget for the program.
  • Tier Systems: As an expansion on the rewards structuring feature, you can also create tier systems and rankings, so that rewards increase exponentially based on distinct levels of performance, or top-ranked performers receive an extra bonus to further incentivize them.
  • Frequency of Allocation: The Cube also allows you to dictate how frequently program participants can redeem their rewards. While, for some campaigns, it might make sense to let participants turn their points into cash right away, which will drive them to come back over and over again. For performance campaigns where you are looking to see long-term results, however, waiting until the end of the campaign to pay out rewards makes more sense–especially since the revenue the campaign generates might well surpass the amount you have to spend on gifts and cash at the end. Imagine building a year-long campaign and paying out all rewards for the holidays: this can not only drive performance but increase spirits!

Each and every one of these customization options are in place specifically so that all the campaigns you build are tailor-made to your business objectives and your budget. Combining them all ensures that you can create the perfect program for your company.

Go beyond only rewards, create customized campaign programs..

Incentive campaigns are for sure amongst the best ways to drive revenue and increase loyalty from your teams and your customers, and those that achieve the most success are those which are hand-crafted to the needs of your organization. With tooodooo and the Cube, it is easier, faster, and cheaper than ever to reap the rewards of these dynamic programs and generate the information and the results that sit atop your biggest priorities.

That’s the power of tooodooo!